Mount Meru Climb


Mount Meru, located within Arusha National Park (just 76km from Moshi) is a fantastic way to fulfil your mountaineering quota within Tanzania, without breaking the budget. Often overshadowed by its big sister Mt Kilimanjaro, Mt Meru is still Tanzania’s second tallest mountain, reaching an altitude of 4566m. Meru itself is classified as an ‘active’ stratovolcano (don’t worry- there’s been no activity since 1910!) and makes for an incredible and challenging climb, as you ascend along the narrow ridge of the volcanic cone, with spectacular views down to the crater and smaller ash cone formed within.

From the summit of Mt Meru, you can enjoy views across to Mt Kilimanjaro and the savannahs of Northern Tanzania. Along your way you will stay in well-maintained huts within the National Park with a nice comfortable bed to rest up on after a hard days trekking! We recommend taking 4 days to trek to the summit of Mt Meru however if you are pushed for time it can be achieved in just 3 (contact us if you wish to see this itinerary).


This 4 days Mount Meru expedition is meticulously designed to ensure a memorable and safe ascent, catering to both novice and seasoned trekkers.

Our 3 days Mount Meru expedition is designed for those looking for an intense yet rewarding adventure, providing a well-rounded experience in a shorter timeframe.