Kilimanjaro Trekking

Mount Kilimanjaro Treks

The name Kilimanjaro is a mystery and is thought to signify “Mountain of Light” or “Mountain of Greatness”. Nobody is very certain, yet what isn’t under question is that Mount Kilimanjaro at 5895 meters (19,336 feet) is the most noteworthy top on the African continent and tallest detached mountain on earth. Without a doubt one of Africa’s most sublime sights ascending in awe-inspiring disengagement from the fields beneath.

Let us take you on your biggest adventure yet. Imagine Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro through lush rainforest, moorlands, alpine deserts and finally across glaciers to bring yourself to the top of Africa. The weather on Mt. Kilimanjaro affects your climb and your success chances. Find out the Best Time to Climb Kilimanjaro to maximise your chance to summit.

Passed on with an everlasting snow-top, this grand mountain can be found inside the Kilimanjaro National Park with its slopes and icy masses transcending high over the smog. Once inside the park, thick swamp backwoods covers the lower slopes offering the approach to snow-capped glades once the air starts to thin. Close to the peak, the scene winds up harsh and barren with rocks and ice the transcendent highlights as you approach the blanketed summit of Africa on Kibo top.

Climbing to the ‘Roof Of Africa‘ – the most astounding point on Africa – is for some individuals a mind-blowing experience and the feature of their whole Tanzania experience, particularly in light of the fact that the courses are non-specialized and available to practically any sensibly fit and sound individual. Everybody from seasoned Kilimanjaro Climbers to first-time climbing disciples can effectively handle and scale the frosty summit gave they climb gradually, adapt legitimately and are enough prepared for the breeze and bothering cold.

The Marangu Route: the only Kilimanjaro climb route that offers hut accommodation.

The Machame Route: the most popular climbing route up Kilimanjaro.

The Rongai Route: the easiest route on Kilimanjaro.

The Lemosho Route: hands down the most beautiful Kilimanjaro climb route, but expensive.

The Umbwe Route: the most difficult and demanding route on Kilimanjaro, and the most spectacular.

Unlike many other summits, Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is a non-technical climb suitable for anyone of average fitness level. Although experience trekking at altitude is a plus, it is by no means essential and we can provide you with all the pre-climb tips and a fantastic team of mountain crew to give you the best chance of seeing the sunrise from Uhuru Peak. So Get Free Kilimanjaro Packing List to make sure that you don’t forget anything.

A run of the mill trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro takes somewhere in the range of six and eight days with five days being the authentic least. It is well worth including an additional couple of trekking days to adjust enough and to welcome the perspectives and landscape; your climbing knowledge will be a lot more pleasant for it. Materuni Tours offer Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro on five courses specifically Lemosho Route, Machame Route, Umbwe Route, Marangu Route, and the Rongai Route. Plan your perfect Kilimanjaro Adventure! Make sure you choose the best Kilimanjaro Routes which will give you the best chance of getting to the top safely.

Mount Kilimanjaro Treks

Plan your perfect Kilimanjaro Adventure! Make sure you choose the best Kilimanjaro Routes which will give you the best chance of getting to the top safely.There are several routes to trek to summit the Kilimanjaro peak and the choice to pick one of them can become confusing.  We at Materuni Tours offer Treks on five of the best Kilimanjaro Routes to summit the “Roof Of Africa”. Below we have listed the routes on which we offer treks to the Kilimanjaro peak

The Lemosho Route is a standout amongst the most heavenly route to Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro because of its grand trail and the wonderful pleasant view on both the sides of the mountain.

As one of the new routes it is increasingly best because of low group, and higher achievement rates. It permits to incorporate the all-encompassing perspective that encompasses it. It begins from the Londorossi Gate. In short it boosts that the climber will achieve the summit and get an excellent view en route.

Rongai Route is the main route which is from the north of Kilimanjaro. It is one of the low hovered areas however it is picking up popularity. It has a remote area which offers an unspoiled wild trial where you can spot numerous wild creatures like elephant, antelope. Rongai Route has more steady slant than alternate routes, it additionally gives the trekker clear and unclouded perspective on the mountain. It is suggested for those with less hiking knowledge. The beginning point of this route is the Rongai Gate through which the
climbers begin their journey.

Machame Route is otherwise called the Whiskey Route as it is a hard hitting test to climb. It is additionally one of the regular routes because of its beautiful excellence. This route approaches Kilimanjaro from the South.

The trail of the Machame Route is steep, testing and troublesome and is additionally best appropriate for the bold people with the experience required for climbing and trekking.This route likewise covers some sensational view which is a great site to watch. The beginning point of this route is the Machame Gate.

Umbwe Route is viewed as a standout amongst the most hardest and testing trail to climb Kilimanjaro. It is troublesome in light of the rising profile which gives the climber no time to changing in accordance with the altitudes. It is a perfect route for the individuals who need a testing climb and are exceptionally sure about their capacity to trek.

In spite of the fact that the group is low on this route yet the achievement rate is additionally low. It approaches the Kilimanjaro from the South. Additionally, Umbwe Route is one of the briefest, steepest and direct route to Kilimanjaro. The beginning point of this is the Umbwe

Marangu Route is one of the most memorable and orthodox route in Kilimanjaro as it is the main route which gives accommodation to the climbers. It is one of the least demanding and most brief route so Marangu Route is otherwise called the Coco-Cola route. It approaches the mountain Kilimanjaro from the south east. It is one of the most established route so it is extremely swarmed. It likewise has a less beautiful view as the rising and drop are actually the equivalent. The beginning point of this route is the Marangu Gate.

Mount Kilimanjaro having 5 different routes all are having their own unique specifications. If you are little bit hesitate to choose your best Kilimanjaro Climbing Routes, then feel free to contact with Materuni Tours.


Marangu Route

Famously known as the “Coca-Cola” route as you can get a Coca-Cola at each hut on the way up Kilimanjaro.

Machame Route

The Machame route is known as the “Whiskey” route and is now very popular as it offers excellent acclimatisation

Lemosho Route

Both the Lemosho and Shira routes approach Kilimanjaro from the west and cross the Shira Plateau. 

Rongai Route


Rongai is the only route that approaches Mount Kilimanjaro from the north, close to the Kenyan border and does offer the closest to a wilderness experience.

Umbwe Route


Is the hardest and most challenging routes on Mt Kilimanjaro. It also has the highest incidence of altitude sickness and the lowest summit success rate.

Mweka Route


Is recognized to be the shortest route path from and to the summit of Mountain Kilimanjaro, the route is mainly used in descending and is extremely used 

Mount Kilimanjaro Trekking Packages

Lemosho Route

Using the 8 days Lemosho Route, your Kilimanjaro walk on the Lemosho Route takes eight days,

Lemosho Route

The 7 days Lemosho route is one of the mountain’s newest climbs and a fantastic choice for your ascent. 

Machame Route

Embark on this 7 day Machame Route itinerary. The Machame route, commonly known as “the Whiskey Route,” 

Machame Route


Begin your 6 day trip on the Machame Route with this itinerary. The Machame route, often known as “the Whiskey Route,” 

Marangu Route


Marangu is the only route that offers dormitory-style hut lodging for climbers who do not want to camp.

Marangu Route


For individuals who haven’t hiked much at high elevations before, the Marangu route is an excellent 5-day walk 

Rongai Route


The 7 days Mount Kilimanjaro Rongai route uses the sole route that approaches Kilimanjaro from the north.

Rongai Route


Taking the 6 days Rongai Route up Mount Kilimanjaro is a great choice because you are actually using the second easiest route 

Umbwe Route


On this 6 day Umbwe route, daring expert climbers looking for excitement and challenge