Sample Food on Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro Meal Plan

Sample Food To Take On Kilimanjaro is planned according to your nutrition requirement. It will give you a proper amount of protein, carbohydrates, nourishments right from the beginning. When you are at a height you could start to feel wiped out and your yearning may be covered, so the dinners organised at a high elevation generally contain more carbohydrates and less protein to help you with processing your food.

At Materuni Tours, we understand the importance of healthy, nutritious and tasty meals while on the trek. The following is an example of a food menu which will be served amid you Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro:


  • Tea/ Coffee
  • Toast
  • Eggs
  • Smoked Sausages
  • Pancakes
  • Fruits
  • Lunch

    • Fresh fruit juices
    • Boiled Eggs
    • Sandwiches
    • Biscuits
    • Fruits


    • Soup
    • Salads
    • Fruits
    • Pasta/Rice
    • Vegetables
    • Chicken/ Beef

    You may wish to bring your own snacks to give earned treat, or jolt of energy! Chocolate is commonly the best answer and on the off chance that it has nuts in, at that point far better, however, whatever you pick to ensure it is a most loved treat and not a power bar’. In the event that you are experiencing Altitude Sickness On Kilimanjaro, at that point your hunger might be restricted and these snacks may turn into a decent enhancement to your dinners, so Materuni Tours ensure it is something that you appreciate eating!